Fulgent oncology services pages

Fulgent Genetics | UX Design | Prototype | 2022


Fulgent Oncology (Fulgent Genetics) has acquired CSI Laboratories to introduce oncology testing. With the utilization of CSI Lab’s developed and experience in the oncology space, we are tasked to develop marketing material to highlight the specific test methods.

The Ask

  • Develop marketing pages to highlight the different methods used in oncology testing



Working with the Lead Interaction Designer

Team Involved

  • Lead Interaction Designer

  • Engineering (Interface)

Applied Process

  • Visual design & layout, responsiveness


Initial Exploration

A first pass of how the page and composition would look like before refining.

Let’s Dissect the sections of the page

Here I explore possible design layouts from the initial exploration and polished the areas and simplified the elements for a more cleaner look and information-focused look.

Moving down the page displays highlights of what the benefits of Fulgent Oncology offer. The branding for this new product line was still rather in its infantile stages but there is solidification and confidence in exploring the visual elements.

Bringing in circles as motifs, using Fulgent Oncology’s core colors all utilized together to bring life onto the page.

For this particular section “Other Methodologies”, this was an insightful process. I had to discuss with an engineer to figure out a way to format these clickable cards within their specific perimeters of a grid. What that means is that typically a design can’t always work as intended.

It would’ve been nice to have the cards all in one row but, I rather utilize what the engineers have already made for this particular format which is a strict 4-column grid, and make their lives easier 🙂.


With every design I tend to accompany it with their responsive counterparts on displaying Tablet and Mobile to better visualize how it will look and a basis for engineering.


Key takeaways and what i learned

Overall this was a great opportunity to have a role in building a web page design and exposure on working alongside the engineering team. The interaction, teamwork, and review process was a great eye-opener and a start to inhibit the potential for future product designs.

  • Engineering - Had a chance to work with the engineering team and gain exposure to negotiating how to implement the designs.

  • Design - It was fun to design and implement the spherical elements throughout the pages. Knowing that the brand guidelines were rather fresh, allowed more creative freedom.